Accelerated Process of Digestion with Enzymes

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Accelerated Process of  Digestion with Enzymes

Most of you might heard the name of digestive enzymes. In fact, the author believes, among readers who have studied in school. However, to provide additional insight to the readers who do not know, the author of the article presents the enzim digestion function.

Digestive enzyme is a protein that functions speed up or slow down the digestive process in the human body. A chemical reaction involving the enzyme, will initially form a starch, which would then be converted into other molecules of different types. There are a variety of digestive enzymes involved in digestion of food in the human body. Digestive enzymes are found in the mouth, stomach, intestine, which serves to assist in the digestion of food.

The enzyme has been known since long ago. Biologists have known that an enzyme known to speed up the digestive process in the stomach of human since the 18th century. Furthermore, in 19th century, Louis Pasteur recognized  a way when he learned that sugar can turn into alcohol.

It was in 1877, William Kuhne stated that chemicals  speed up the digestive process with the name of the enzyme. Meanwhile, Edouard 1907 Buchner was awarded the Nobel Prize for his research in finding the enzyme in the fermentation of sucrose (a type of sugar substance).

Enzyme serve important function in living things, including enzyme digestion of food. Several enzymes can work together, creating a harmonious performance to speed up the digestion process, as found in the stomach and small intestine.

It may be, in the absence of the digestive enzymes, digestive process will not achieve optimal results. For example, the process of digestion of food in the mouth or stomach will be slow. Even stalled altogether.

Really, the enzymes play very important roles in keeping our organ to function optimally.