Various attempts to cure physical diseases that exist in the human body. Healing with chemicals as drugs have been developed by the thabib and now by doctors and other health experts. Aroma smelt by the sense of smell apparently yielding considerable influence in curing diseases, thus obtainned the body health.
Aromatherapy is derived from two words; "Aroma" is the meaning fragrance and "therapy" meaning treatment. Back to 5000 years ago, ancient people in China, Egypt and India have used the nectar of flowers, plants and lead to healing. Aromatherapy is a healing art that is derived from nature. The basic principle of Aromatherapy is to strengthen the self-healing indirectly by stimulating the immune system. The use of oil extract (Essential Oils) in depth is a whole wide treatment and how treatment as terapatik up to the intricacies of a very unique fragrance.
Stimulation wafted through the sense of smell apparently stimulates certain nerves that lead to the activation of a series of organ effects. With Fragrant material organs that are not active can be functioning again.
Siimilarly, the sense of smell works and plays an important role in this healing method. If the sense of smell does not work well this method does not mean well, too.
May this short article benefits all the readers..