Ultrasound or ultrasonography is a method of evaluation of the unborn infant that may be present must be done by every expectant mother to figure out the situation and growth of the unborn infant.
Ultrasound devices use high-frequency audio surf to create an picture on a display. Trend produced by a system called a transducer connected to the abdomen and slide-slide to "highlight" the material of your womb (like a flash light, but who shone were audio surf, not light waves). The expression of the surf back to the transducer and approximated going pictures on the display. While going the transducer, the physician will describe to you what is being done and preferred.
Here are some of the advantages of being expecting ultrasound examination:
1. Analysis of beginning pregnancy
With ultrasound, the unborn infant can be noticed and determined at the age of five and a half several weeks. If there is blood loss in the first trimester, an ultrasound is necessary for beginning appropriate ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus) and a molar pregnancy / wine (pregnancy with tumor).
2. Verifying the child center rate
Fetal pulse quantity can be seen and recognized at the age of 6 several weeks of being expecting, and it became clear at 7 several weeks. If the pulse quantity is noticed, the likelihood of ongoing having a child is more than 95 percent.
3. Notice the situation of the placenta
The placenta is preventing the delivery tunel (placenta previa) can confuse the process of giving birth. The placenta which had irregularities in circumstances such as diabetic issues and child hydrops (excess liquid in two or more parts of the body such as the thorax, abdomen or skin that is usually associated with thickening of the placenta) can also be seen on ultrasound.
4. Determine the gestational age
Size shows gestational age fetuses. By understanding the gestational age, delivery day forecast can also be determined more perfectly. Close connection between child dimension and gestational age is particularly true in beginning pregnancy. To that end, the following dimensions can be conducted with ultrasound:
- Crown-rump duration (CRL). CRL is a term for the duration between the butt and the tip of the child go. CRL dimensions conducted on fetuses outdated 7-12 several weeks and gives very precise reports of the age of having a child. After 12 several weeks pregnancy, CRL is no longer precise evaluate of the age of the unborn infant, so that dimensions are needed.
- Biparietal dimension (BPD). Diameter between the 2 temples, as determined after the child is older than 12 several weeks. Baby go dimension improved from about 2.4 cm at 13 several weeks to about 9.5 cm at delivery. Two babies with the same bodyweight can have different go dimension so the BPD in the ultimate levels of being expecting is generally regarded not reliable.
- Femur duration (FL). Look at the duration of the femur which shows the longitudinal growth of the unborn infant. FL improved from about 1.5 cm at 14 several weeks to about 7.8 cm at the end of being expecting. Functionality FL similar to BPD.
- Stomach Circumverence (AC). Calculating expectant moms abdominal area. This is the most important dimensions in delayed pregnancy, but rather indicate the dimension the unborn infant rather than age.
- AC, BPD and FL mixed in an equation to calculate child bodyweight. Immediate ultrasound machine instantly determines the approximated child bodyweight, the system include: 1.4 BPD X FL X AC (all in cm) - 200 = bodyweight of the unborn infant.
Multiple child birth increase the chance of child growth limitation, preterm work, placenta divided (placental abruption), genetic malformations, perinatal deaths and loss of life rate. Twin pregnancy was recognized during a schedule ultrasound at weeks time 18 to 20.
6. Fetal abnormalities
Many child architectural irregularities such as child malformations (anencephaly, spina bifida, etc.), heart irregularities, and hydrocephalus can be clinically diagnosed by ultrasound is usually conducted before 20 several weeks. By understanding the child problem can be conducted beginning medical steps quicker.
7. Check the quantity of amniotic fluid
Amount of amniotic liquid is too much or too little can be clearly portrayed by ultrasound. Both of these circumstances may negatively effect on the fetus:
- Polyhydramnios (excess amniotic fluid) can cause difficulty breathing and serious in moms of preterm work. Risks consist of expectant moms diabetic issues is not managed, several pregnancy, isoimunisasi, and child malformations.
- Oligohydramnios (lack of amniotic fluid) can cause child loss of life. The situation is often associated with genetic irregularities of the bladder system, child growth retardation and child bodyweight less.
Many potential mother and father who are desperate to know the sex of the child before delivery. Several aspects such as the level of being expecting and child placement can effect the precision of forecast. You can tell the age of the unborn infant through ultrasound with an precision of 95% over the weeks time of 18 to 20.
It is benefits of ultrasound so thanks for your visit. Read more about after pregnancy